Arcana Windows & Doors

Best Investment in Home Renovation

You get that feeling that spring is just around the corner. This has been a hard winter and you really would like to do something that will lift your spirits. Perhaps a home renovation project would do just that. However when you invest in renovations, it is important to choose wisely. You want to create value and have something that will give you great pleasure. From that point of view, a new front entrance door is hard to beat.

Investing in Your Home

Whenever you spend money on your home, it gives you immediate satisfaction but hopefully increases the value of your home. If your project is something that will appeal only to you, then likely the increase in value is negligible. Most experts will tell you that if you invest in a new front door, then that is a project that is hard to beat as a way to add value to your home.

Your Front Door, Impressive and Inviting

If you have decided that a new front door is for you, then what style will you choose? It must fit in with the overall appearance of the house, but remember that this is the way others will see you as they pass. You want to feel good every time you enter your home. At the same time, this will improve the curb appeal if ever you wish to sell your home.

You can choose something that is very impressive such as the image above, with a transom and sidelights. Perhaps something simpler is more to your taste. In either case, a shiny new front door with a quality lock set will impress all comers and provide an inviting entrance to your home. If you need any ideas, then a no obligation visit by one of our consultants can show you  what is possible.

Your Front Door, Secure and Energy-saving

Two aspects you may not have considered in choosing to invest in a new front door are security and energy-saving. A new door will undoubtedly be a big improvement on what you have already. There are ongoing improvements in design and materials that result in better functioning doors. A poorly fitting front door can be the biggest problem in avoiding loss of heat. By buying a quality door you can avoid any such problems.

In summary, by investing in a new front door you will be seeing ongoing savings. At the same time, you will have improved the resale value of your home by an appreciable portion of what it cost you to install a door. Add in the enjoyment you will feel as you look at your home and it’s a win-win-win situation.

Further Reading on Investing in Your Home

A great deal is written on this topic and the following article looks at all the possibilities: The Best Home Renovations for the Biggest ROI

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