Arcana Windows & Doors

Energy-Efficient Windows Can Help Your Climate Change Efforts

There seems to be a never-ending flood of stories on the effects of climate change. The latest one states that the United Nations is warning that Climate Change is threatening the world’s Food Supply.

It might appear that any individual can do little to reverse this trend. However, if a good number of us act, then we can be part of the solution rather than part of the problem

Not all solutions are costly and some may even bring benefits. The overall aim is to reduce energy usage. Hopping on your bicycle to reach the nearby store rather than using your automobile saves energy and is good for your health

The Star has produced a useful Handbook on What you can do about climate change now. The biggest energy usage for most of us is that associated with our homes. How can we work on this?

Windows Keep the Warm Air in During the Winter

The biggest energy loss that most of us will think about is all that energy that is lost in winter. Having large picture windows may give beautiful views but a window will always lose more heat than an equivalent wall area. Natural Resources Canada estimates that if you have old windows and exterior doors, then they may account for over 25% of your property’s total heat loss. You may well compensate for cold air leaking in by cranking up appliances like furnaces, space heaters or radiators. This increases the amount of energy you will be losing.

Windows Keep the Hot Air Out in Summer

In summer, the situation is reversed. Your air conditioning system is using energy to cool the inside air. However this may be leaking out and being replaced by that hot, humid outside air. There seem to be more frequent heat advisories suggesting we stay inside and keep hydrated. With well designed and installed windows, you can cut the energy losses appreciably.

Energy Efficient Windows Pay for Themselves

Installing new windows and doors can completely transform the appearance of your home. That can have an appreciable effect on the value if you were to sell it. The curb appeal will also be improved making the home much more saleable.

What you invest in your renovation will be directly affected in the real estate value. Equally important are the energy savings that modern windows and doors will give you. New materials and design will cut considerably the energy that is lost. This ongoing saving will usually cover the installation cost within a few years.

If this is a way you would like to do your bit for climate change, then why not contact us. An Arcana Windows and Doors consultant will be happy to discuss with you on a no-obligation basis the best options for your home.

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